Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship 2024

The Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship is open to all nationals. These fellowships are available for postdoctoral studies. The duration of the fellowship (up to 11 months).

The GEM Report Fellowship program, supported by OSI, aims to strengthen the evidence base on education, particularly in emerging economies, build research capacity in education, and reinforce the links between research, policy, and practice in education.



Deadline: 22 March 2024
Study in: Home Country, France
Provides: UNESCO
Study Level: FellowshipPost Doc
Area of Study: Subjects offered by the university
Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship 2024

Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship 2024



The eligibility criteria for the Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship are stated below:

  • Required Language: Fluency in one of the two UNESCO official languages (English and French) and the capacity to draft to a high standard in English.
  • Eligible Countries: All world countries
  • Fellows will be selected among applicants from research institutions, government agencies or professional organizations.
  • Candidates with a doctoral degree, who are familiar with quantitative research methods and experience in national-level policy-making and who have published work in scientific journals are encouraged to apply.
  • An advanced university degree in education, sociology, economics, political science, psychology, demography, statistics, psychometrics or other related fields.
  • Proven experience in policy analysis in an academic/research or a national/international agency setting.
  • Proven experience in organizing projects in research and/or policy contexts.
  • Contacts within the education policy community would be an advantage.
  • Experience with education systems in low, middle or high-income countries.
  • Sound knowledge of and proven experience in the application of statistical techniques involving large-scale
    survey data. Experience using statistical analysis software such as Mplus, R, STATA, SPSS or SAS
    would be an asset.
  • The research proposal should address an important policy topic in relation to the upcoming GEM Report from a
    novel perspective. It should place the work within the current policy debate on SDG 4, the international
    education goal, and briefly describe the potential contribution this research will make to the field of education
    and to policy making.
  • Relevance to GEM Report: A successful proposal will provide a strong rationale for how the work would contribute to the GEM Report work:
    • Explain the policy areas of interest, spell out the policy questions to be addressed, and indicate how the
      research will promote access, equity, inclusion and quality in education systems.
    • Show why GEM Report resources and research areas (thematic or geographic) are particularly well
      suited to address those questions.
    • Show how the research relates to monitoring issues highlighted in past GEM reports or thematic issues
      of future GEM reports.
  • Data and methods: The proposal should describe:
    • the data that will be used to develop the research project, including the main variables.
    • the methods and statistical procedures that will be used to develop the research project.
  • Resources: The proposal should provide:
    • a timeline which is achievable.
    • the length, reasons, and expected benefits of carrying out part of the research project in Paris.

Note: For more information regarding the proposal, go to Description of the Fellowship – Call for Proposals.



The benefits of the Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship are:

  • A stipend (up to US$19,500) for the duration of the fellowship (up to 11 months) and full travel costs for at least one month to be spent in Paris for each of the fellows.
  • A mentor from the team of GEM Report researchers. The GEM Report staff will allocate 3-5 hours per week to mentor and guide the fellows when they are in residence in Paris and 2 hours per week while they are based in their home country.
  • A desk and computer during their stay at the GEM Report team office in the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris.



How to Apply for Fully Funded UNESCO GEM Report Fellowship?

(1) Applications must be submitted in English.

(2) Applicants will need to provide the following information:

  • CV in UNESCO CV template Format.
  • One page with brief project title, abstract (150 words), duration, budget.
  • Project proposal (maximum 5 pages / 2500 words) with the following information:
    • research question/aim of the project.
    • relevance to the GEM Report.
    • proposed data and methodology.
    • timeline and resources.
  • Applicants will be required to provide three references to support their application.

(3) Submit applications to [email protected] 

Note: Applications will be reviewed and assessed by the GEM Report team, based on the criteria outlined above and considerations related to quality, potential, and originality as well as the qualifications and track record of the applicant. Shortlisted applicants may be invited to discuss small adjustments to their proposal in a review meeting. The GEM Report team will not be able to provide feedback on proposals that were not selected.